10 July 2006

The Girl Has Problems Bob.

Woke up with a headache this morning. Swung my legs over the bed and my head swam with that warm throbbing feeling of a migraine. I vomited, hung my head over the bathtub, and called in sick to work. I just want to tell my body, “fuck you very much.”
Kicked it in bed till 3 pm and then finally decided to chug more pills and get outside. Pedaled my ass to sit around and stare at faces. I catch myself nodding at the right moments, smiling when I should smile, I’m looking for the cue cards. We’re framed by grass in a flower box and the sun is just right. My migraine finally fades away. So, we said our goodbyes and I pedaled down to the liquor store and I bought a fifth and made some calls. On the street - as I pedaled away a bum says, “hello.” I don’t stop for him I just shout, “hey” as I ride by. I call work and tell them I’ll be in tomorrow and then I open the fifth and wait for the phone ring.

My father would call this functional alcoholism. My friends would say I’m just in college. I feel a ten foot wall between me and the world, but I just don’t have it in me to scale it. I just wait for the phone to ring.


Blogger crallspace said...

I woulda ditched the fifth.

9:38 PM  
Blogger crallspace said...

Well, I will be checking on you periodically.

9:39 PM  

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